Wednesday, November 11, 2009

maine report

Maine was just what I needed to realign my senses and chill out. Who knew a state,  far up there in U.S. geography, would be so serotonin-inducing? I'd like to think that the fresh air and quiet sounds of nature and ocean had the most effect on me but I truly, in my heart and in my FUPA, was the food.

The Chicken Pot Pie

The Hand-made Pita
The Pannenkoken

I take no responsibility for any of these things, because I didn't make any of them. Well, I made the crust on the pie. And it wasn't anywhere near as amazing as I had hoped it would be, the bottom layer kind of slid down and got all hard during baking. Too warm into the oven? Just a shoddy dough to begin with? Fortunately, my friends are kind enough to let me redeem myself in the near future by baking for them again. I'm so lucky!

We, meaning PC and I, spent a good part of Saturday prepping and cooking for a Non-Defined Mediterranean Dinner. This means it did not hail from one part of the Med, but really was a mish-mash of all things Med. It was at a friend's gorgeous home, another actual cook, and he is hilarious and perverted and quite talented behind the stove.

The Non-Defined Mediterranean Dinner


• hand-made lemony tapenade • crudite • feta whipped with roasted red peppers • pita (see above)        
• tzatziki • house-ground lamb and beef kibbeh • lentil and brown rice salad with roasted garlic dressing • sumac and yogurt infused grilled chicken • baklavah 

Good times, good times my friend. And you know what? The only thing I actually overate was the beer (and probably the pie). The portions were perfect and the conversation was so good, it was a real treat to sit and truly enjoy these meals in unparalleled company.

All photo credits go to my partner in culinary crime, Pequena Cocina (aka PC).

1 comment:

Pseudonym said...

sounds like tasty fun!