Thursday, October 1, 2009


So the flu shot. Do you get one? I don't. I'm like...meh, I like to live on the wild side. Take my chances. Trust my immune system.

Then I learn that you will have to get two shots this year, yes two: one for the seasonal flu, one for H1N1 (SWINE!) flu.

Shots don't bother me. Snakes, yes. Shots, no. What bothers me is the semi-flu-like ache you can get from the shot. So I am going to continue on my merry way, throwing caution to the wind and take my chances this winter. And, as a preventative measure, I will stop licking the handles on the backs of the seats on the T. You know, I may mock fate sometimes but I sure as hell won't tempt it. Intentionally.

(If you are old, sick, have diabetes, asthma, heart disease, cancer, HIV/AIDS or a baby in your womb-region, get the shots. Just do it.)

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